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Exploring OCdb Datasets

Currently, there are two different ways to search the OCdb datasets:

By Material

From the OCdb home page, on the left hand side, you can select the type of material you are interested in:
  • Ices: provides data sets for ice samples (pure ices and ice mixtures)
  • Ice Tholins / Ice Residues: provides data sets for organic refractory materials produced from irradiation of ice samples
  • Gas Tholins: provides data sets for organic refractory materials produced from irradiation of gas precursors

Once a material is chosen, a table containing all datasets for that type of material will appear at the center of the page with a banner on top for additional search filters to be applied:

  • Component(s): Choice of “Pure” or “Mixture”. A drop down menu allows the user to select the components they are interested in.
  • Temperature: A specific range of temperatures can be chosen by the user to narrow down the search. This corresponds to the temperature of the materials during sample measurement for the ice and ice tholin samples, and the temperature of the gas mixture during the sample production for the gas tholins (details are provided in the data page).
  • Spectral Range: By choosing Wavenumber (in cm-1) or Wavelength (in µm), the user can change the unit of the values displayed in the table for the spectral range covered by the data and choose a specific spectral range.

The table provides:

  • Chemical: provides the components used to produce the sample.
  • Ratio: provides the proportion of each component in the same order listed in the "Chemical" column.
  • Temperature: provides the temperature at which the sample was produced or measured (details are provided in the dataset page).
  • Wavenumber Min (cm-1) or Wavelength min (µm) (depending on the filter used): provides the lower boundary of the spectral range covered by the data.
  • Wavenumber Max (cm-1) or Wavelength max (µm) (depending on the filter used): provides the upper boundary of the spectral range covered by the data.
  • n/k: provides a thumbnail of the n and k data. By clicking on the thumbnail, a pop-up window appears allowing the user to get a quick look at the data without opening the dataset page.
  • Data Types: check marks show which type of dataset is included: n for the real part of the refractive index, k for the imaginary part of the refractive index, T for the transmission spectrum, R for the reflection spectrum, A for the absorption spectrum, O for the opacity spectrum.
  • Reference: provides the first author and year for the publication associated with the dataset

By Reference

From the OCdb home page, first click the button About and choose “Publications” in the drop down menu.

All publications associated with the optical constants datasets contained in the Optical Constants database are listed with their DOI and the type of datasets ("Ices", "Ice Tholins / Ice Residues", "Gas Tholins") they contain. The user can click on the dataset type for a given publication, to see a table containing only the data from this publication.